I want you to know that these are my utmost sincere words:
 I am a simple boy from a simple background.  I have gone through many things in life.  To cut the suspense I have seen a lot to the bad side of life than the normal way.  There was one time I gave up hope of continuing school because I was a victim of circumstance for a gang of students who wanted to recruit me and give the satanic powers to accomplish their evil missions in return for riches and worldly pleasures.  I never had a choice much but the Lord made me try refusing their company and they resorted to diplomacy forcing me into it doing all sorts of evil to me.  I cannot be strong enough to mention in words what they did.  Secondly I tried not to comply with their plans and each time there was something to discuss I would be the first to disagree and this aggravated even more making them feel much  negative towards me.  To make their emotions fulfilled i.e. some form of discipline for my rejection they wanted me to die the hard way and never wanted to kill me directly but they always say they are giving a homework towards passing onto the second world.
This was saddening I had to endure all this in the name of getting my freedom from this devil’s gang but it never happened so.  I had been given a threat that should I dare speak to anyone about this then it would be the end of me and my entire family.  The family of five children a father and a mother was a world to me and I never wanted to lose them not even to anyone I love.  Nothing could make me lose the love I had for my family so I continued to endure the humiliation painfully all in the name of keeping my family free from trouble.
The wise men always say that when things are too overwhelming and one can’t keep holding on then its time to walk out or better still let the cat out of the bag as they always say. I vowed to myself that its time to walk out but how when am facing a pending threat. That was the question in my mind every now and then.  I had to think of a perfect plan but one thing kept me not dare work out.  These people with extraordinary evil powers could read people mind and they knew what I was thinking of but the only problem was they still considered me useful to them and would not resort to killing me but instead they tried to persuade me to accept their laws since they could not let me walk out to freedom since I had  learnt a lot about them and me walking on top of the earth free could pose a threat to their existence since I would at any given time let their little secret scandal out in the open and that could lead to their uncover and finally the end.  They had one thing they could not do with me I was very invincible and they could keep up with the rate of my intelligence and I could think faster than they could read my mind and find an appropriate answer for what I said or though.  This made me look back at my life before I got involved in their activities and this made me think of going back to God and giving my life back to God and find a hide out for my soul.  That is when I discovered that God is supreme and that He is the most powerful in the whole universe.  Inside the Lord everything seemed to work out perfect but I had another problem yet all together they could get to me when I am asleep and could take me to so many strange place s and I would wake up either in the bathrooms or the schools farm or better still the classroom and my classmates would joke that I was dreaming and worked to the classroom all by myself. 
I could not understand this it was like a very difficult puzzle and could only be known by someone with some special knowledge.  I resorted to prayer and fasting to understand this and this made me sleep holding on tight to my bible.  After a week of prayer it worked I could wake up before they could take me in my sleep then after that everything could come back to normal and I would continue sleeping in my bed without worries for the rest of the night until five o’clock, the time for the usual morning school preps.
I have the courage to now speak about this in the open since I had got strength from God who led me to the freedom and gave me the life I had today.  The aftermath of the walk out made me feel dizzy during my holidays and my mother would always reprimand me for pretending to be reading and instead sleeping on my books but I dared not to speak about what was disturbing me. 
When I got back to school I had to stay away from the members of the gang. To be discrete they were a big gang but the members who you would know as a new member was only the person who introduced you and some members of the group you belong to.  They had several gangs with different groups and leaders. The ones I knew where my group members whom I only knew them by their fake names being Cherori, Manu, Steroo, and Odinga – the group leader.  Steroo was the one who introduced me to the gang at first.  We were a group of killers or a good name they gave us was “Angels of death” and in this case we were killers and we were to have special powers we could fly and we could go through walls and could read people kinds i.e. everything they were thinking but these powers were being given according to ranks basing on the number of tasks one is assigned and he completes successfully.
Thanks to God Almighty who made me what I am today.  When I returned to school after the second holiday the group never got a chance to meet with me and this made them have the suspicion that I was slowly and swiftly slipping off their grip and they felt they had to do something about it.  This is when they tried to position themselves anywhere they could fore think I will be passing of spending time at. At that point I changed everything.  I changed my bed with my friend. Changed my plate, my cup, my desk, and anything they had seen I always had it.  This was not all I also had to change the routes I use when coming home and also moving around the school.  I also switched uniforms with my closest friends that were not known to the gang as my friends as they would kill them to make me suffer.  All this time they were not able to read my mind because of the protection of the Holy spirit.  They tried all they could to meet me but they never got a chance to get at me.  This is when they decided to finish me off.  They never had any impression that I had told anyone and this made them be sure that if they eliminated me fast enough then they will be assured of secrecy.  To my part I also kept silent about them and never dared to speak to anyone about it not even the closest of friends.

The group wanted to eliminate me in a way that nobody would know and hence it would not raise eyebrows.  They never got a chance at that since I had the Holy Spirit to take care of me everywhere I went and every time they made an ambush I would escape without getting hurt.  They even went to an extent of sending a dog to me so that it could bite me and kill me but instead I made the dog my friend by just feeding it and this made them to resort to the next level of their evil plot to destroy me.  They went and got somebody close to me and made him take me to them.  That was when they nearly got me I went with my friend without my bible that I used to carry and  although something made  me smell a rat afar I kept dismissing that fact with the notion that this friend of mine could do no such thing as betraying me.  It occurred to me that whenever you get into some trouble don’t be a coward.  After some walk through some distance towards the dormitory I had a strange feeling of how everything was being done.  First my friend escorted me to where I always sleep and we used a different route and everything was so calm and you could not even coin the term danger upon your list of troubles since everything looked so calm and peaceful as if the worst of your enemies where smiling at you and totally giving up their hatred towards you.  After like ten minutes I got to my Dormitory after telling my friend goodnight and taking to some few guys on the corridor before reaching where my bed was I found something strange. My bed was somehow tampered with and I could not find my pet the Dog sent to kill me at its usual place near my bed and I could see the lights were a bit dim and gave out light in a mournful way as if saying to me get away as fast as possible.
I led out a loud scream that made the whole place deaf and made my way toward door but I could not make it fast enough before it was closed by some face I have never seen and having dog like teeth and a face structure that was so ugly and it symbolically portrait the image of death on your first encounter with that man with that face.  Like lighting I took a 180 degrees about turn and jumped within a twinkle of an eye through the window before the next structure of a human being could block me from getting out through the window.  I was thinking so fast all mixed in deep breath and pounding heart with a vigorously shaken body and trembling legs.  I could not make a move for a second or two and had to take a deep breath that lasted almost ten seconds.  The next thing I had to do was to get away fast and make it to the classroom where I had left the bible and also get a place to keep my soul away from the beckoning death.  With maximum speed and vigor I rushed to the classroom open the locker where my bible was and even before I could get my hand on the bible I had a strong, sharp grip on my neck and could not make a move as a result of too much shock and fear. I only wished they would finish me like that since it makes one very frightened to stare at death like I was doing.  But they did not want to hastily kill me they wanted to see how much of a coward I was to think of running away from them and they started bragging to me about their powers.  The man holding me by the neck let go and I came stumbling on top of the locker with my forehead hitting the locker so hard. I tried as much as I could to get the bible and I succeeded.  I had to faint to make them believe I had surrendered and that there was no possibility of me escaping again.
Skillfully I made peeps to see some way of getting out of the classroom without them noticing.  The fact that I held onto the bible made them not be able to read what I was thinking of doing next and also they never thought of me escaping since I had already fainted. This made it easy for me to escape since my desk was near the door and I waited for the chance when they were a bit relaxed while still bragging about how powerful they were, I made a dash out of the classroom through the door picking my bible skillfully and amidst the adrenaline to get away from the gang I ran straight without thinking of where I was running to.  After running for about five minutes without panting and at maximum speed I halted and took some deep breath so I could keep myself alive and regain some consciousness since I was almost fainting.  After a couple of deep fast breaths , in.. out….in… out.. I found myself near the computer teacher’s house standing on a wide open field the basket ball pitch.  I shouted the teacher’s name thrice and saw some light inside a room in the second floor.  It was a two storey house and had three rooms in each floor.  I guessed that somebody heard me and was to come to my rescue.  Just then I remembered I held onto something.  I held it in front of me close to my heart and called onto God to give me the strength to face my predicaments and the Lord never failed me.  I was able to destroy all their evil powers and I had seen a victorious war of forces of the evil and of God.
Since they had no powers they could not prevent the teacher from taking them done all four of them were caught only that they tried to hide their faces using their sweaters but that never worked for them.  Its only that they changed the story that they were chasing a form one trying to welcome him to schools in the way they always call it ‘monolization’. 
This triumphant victory over the evil forces made me cry both in mixed happiness for freedom and also a feeling of freedom for the first time since I got to high school.  You will have to agree with me being in high school is not such an easy task when coping up with that new school environment.
Maybe God had a reason for me having to go through all that. I always wonder sometimes at how the world could treat me. I makes me smile at my success sometimes remembering this story.

Now let’s get to the story.
The victory was nothing to go by I still had a lorry full of other events to go through.  This victory over those devils if I could call them so because they were, had a repercussion.  I went somehow insane about it.  This was what they made me because they would not have wanted me to reveal their dirty secret.  I started behaving abnormally and did strange things that I had never done before.  I could think faster and could run swiftly, faster and more wistfully that no one I dared to chase me and catch me.  Also I always had a perfect answer for every question one could ask.  This made me a very intelligent boy in school but never lasted long because the teachers noticed that I was not in my usual manners. At around four o’clock of that Monday madness day they decided to take me to hospital for treatment and actually to have a main reason for the cause of my behavior.  No wonder the station ‘Easy fm’ nick named moon day, “Crazy Monday”. 
They called me aside after the evening classes and since I was so intelligent I knew they were up to something to do with me.  When they only mentioned the word ‘hospital’ I took to my heels and being swift enough I could run faster and more cleverly than they could catch me.  I was chased by entirely a group of about ten or more students but they never got a chance to catch me for about more that 30 minutes of chasing me up and down, through the windows, along the corridors and around the arc which was placed at the assembly ground near the school notice board.  I stepped badly on a sharp object and had to go down on my knees to check what it was because it pierced into my shoe with the impression that it was a bad spirit I chased then I removed all my shoes and routed for one pastor who sat near the reception at the administration block holding a bible since it was only the bible that gave me comfort and strength to become relaxed.  That is when the teachers assisted by the students and that man holding a bible got a chance to get me to the hospital, to be precise Iten District hospital was the name of the hospital I was taken to and the school I had all this events was St. Patrick High School – Iten.
Well to get healed was another story all together, a long one, I hope you have enough courage to know what I went through because it’s frightening.

This is the part I tried to recuperate after the trauma of getting involved with the devils themselves. 
In the hospital the doctor diagnosed I had malaria, a chronic form of malaria as I was later told by my mother when I had come back to normal form.  There was a problem I did not want to say to my mother what I was really involved with so I had to tell her only about the tribulations I went through.  Now I have the courage to tell you:
I was forced to carry water for a whole month and I always had sleepless nights.  I also was having some trouble with their drugs made to take them by force.  Since they were devilic they were never diagnosed by any doctor as to be existing in my body.  Actually let me say something evil is always hidden from normal men in this case whatever you use you can’t read a devils mind hence the doctors had a hard time believing my story and they said I was lying though not straight into my eyes they told my parents who later told what they were made to believe by the doctors.  
At Iten hospital I was given six dozes of water as they call it. (some liquid drops given to cerebral malaria patients).  Normally only three dozes were given at maximum but this made me extra demanding since I took in six of them but none worked since I never got calm.  I talked for whole four days about stories God only knows all of it and some who heard my story while I was talking.  That is all I can remember since I was totally getting mad.
After about a week in Iten district Hospital I was transferred to referral in Eldoret for further treatment.  I was referred to one Doctor Nabiswa who is a specialist in psychology or in that matter anything to do with the head.
Nabiswa heard my story and tried to prove my story.  As I had mentioned earlier you can’t see of find anything from the devils side if you are a normal human being because it will be bravely concealed from you.  The doctor never got any trace of the drugs I was talking about and that was what made all those who heard my story not to believe anything I said.  Now from this story all doubts should be cleared.  I really never made an effort to make this truth to them  at that time since back in my mind the threats about  murdering me and my parents kept ringing in my mind and I would never have wanted to risk that so I kept a low profile and let all of them believe what the doctors said about me .
I was given a schedule to see the doctor once every Saturday of each week for a period of two months then after each month and the frequent visits to Doctor Nabiswa reduced in that manner.  All this time I took various medicines and was occasionally taken to referral the amenity wing for regular check ups on my condition.

the story continues. .. . . . . . . . 


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